Letting Go

Apr 1, 2016 | Life

[title subtitle=”words and Images: Catherine Frederick”][/title]

Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor—it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.
~ Peter Walsh


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Stuff. I had too much of it, and it was piling up everywhere. Starting in my bedroom closet, spilling over into the kitchen and out into the garage. The closets and cabinets in my house were the worst—they made great hiding places when I needed to pick up quickly. Packed to the brim with no room to breathe, the things that once gave me joy, were now suffocating, and my joy had left the building. Every time I walked into my closet and surveyed the piles of “stuff” I felt defeated. I decided enough was enough. I did my research and fell in love with a minimalist concept called a wardrobe capsule. It made sense. Pare down to a specific number of items, keeping only the things that I loved, things that brought me joy.



This particular wardrobe capsule calls for you to create a seasonal wardrobe by paring down to 37 items, this includes shoes and jackets, etc. but not undergarments, pajamas, workout gear, or accessories. Wear only these thirty-seven items for three months and resist shopping during this time. Sound daunting? Thirty-seven items per season turned out to be more than I expected!


Tip: Before you begin, think about your style. I have a Pinterest style board that keeps me in check – it’s great to review before you start the process. If something doesn’t fit your style, let it go. Someone needs it more than you do. 


Now is a great time to buy new, quality hangers, clean your closet, and purchase some under-the-bed storage bags. Start by removing everything from your closet; don’t hand select items to remove. Place clothing into four piles: keep, storage, donate, trash.


Keep Pile:
Most loved, fits well, worn frequently, place back into closet.

Storage Pile:
Out of season, stored until capsule change.

Donate Pile:
Not your style, doesn’t fit, donate immediately.

Trash Pile:
Item in poor condition, trash immediately.


As you sort your clothing, if something is iffy, try it on. If it doesn’t fit well, not your style, or has stains or holes, let it go. If you haven’t worn it for at least a year, donate it! Items placed in the storage pile should only be out-of-season items that you love. Remember, you’ll be rotating your closet every three months. During the last couple of weeks of a season, plan and do minimal shopping for the next seasonal wardrobe.


Reevaluate the keep pile. Remember, you can only keep thirty-seven items, including shoes and outerwear. Is there a staple piece you need to buy? Do you still have too much? Be strong, eliminate more if needed! If there are items you’re unsure of, place them in storage. If you don’t reach for them during the season, donate them next time.


Once you’ve pared down your wardrobe, place items back in the closet. I’m a little OCD, so I categorize everything by color and style (long sleeve, short sleeve). Tip: Place all hangers in your closet backwards. After you wear something, place the hanger in its proper position. At the end of the season, consider donating items that still have a backwards hanger.


Don’t forget your drawers! Even though these items aren’t part of the capsule, I used a similar sorting method with undergarments, pajamas and workout wear. Check out the KonMari method of folding items to keep them tidy and easy to locate! Video tutorials found here: goop.com/the-illustrated-guide-to-the-kondo-mari-method/.


Once you start, it’s hard to stop. Once you’ve tackled the closet, try out these tidy-up tips and alternative ways to de-clutter your home!


Mail: Review and recycle/file immediately

Appliances: If not used daily, store in cabinet

Laundry: Fold, put away clean; dirty in hamper

Toys: Pick up nightly and store in closet or bins

Dishes: Wash or place in dishwasher immediately

Surfaces: Keep counters neat, tidy, clear of clutter


12-12-12 Challenge

De-clutter your home in twelve steps! Throughout your home, find twelve items to throw away, twelve items to donate, and twelve items to keep. Still cluttered? Repeat!


4 Box

Similar to the 12-12-12, go room by room, filling one box with items for trash, one box to donate, one box for storage (seasonal/sentimental), one box to put away (laundry, books, etc.). Repeat until clutter is gone!


UPDATE: Sharing some AWESOME information that a sweet reader just shared with us after reading this feature! Did you know that our local Salvation Army has a “rags” program? They will accept clothing with holes or stains, and in turn, earn money for them when sold for rags? We love this! So, please don’t throw away clothing that you feel is not worthy- simply bag it separately and donate it!

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Do South Magazine

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