The Poet at Cherokee Village

Nov 1, 2014 | Southern Lit

[title subtitle=”lines: Randi Bomar”][/title]

Evening was at hand in the old village.

Lavender sky gathered indigo edges,

Bluing to twilight. Crow circled,

Called, kept watch. I watched

For you. Small crowd pressed through

The glass doors onto the grounds,

Sweeping me into a current of bodies.

Like a flare, my soul shot up from this knot

To meet the lowering sky,

To signal you of my own hidden being

So lost in longing. The earth grounded me

Damp and cool beneath my bare feet.

My skin ached to feel the fallen colors

Like lovers seek the hollows that hunger for lips.

Sweet gum stars of scarlet, elliptic gold,

Thin russet needles of pine, slick with rain.

Earlier, our eyes had locked. Nothing promised or proposed.

Nothing even said. But my heart burned within me,

A red-hot ember, just knowing

You were there.

Do South Magazine

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