Water & Balloons

Jun 1, 2016 | DIY

[title subtitle=”words and images: Catherine Frederick”][/title]

Looking for ideas to keep the kids busy and active for hours but wonít take much of your time to put together? Look no further! These are both outdoor activities (a total bonus), and you probably have most of the materials needed on hand. Both are easy and affordable to make and completely reusable for hours of summer fun!




– Scissors
– Sponges
(3 sponges make 1 water bomb)
– Rubber Bands


Cut sponges into fourths. Stack 12 strips together and wrap a rubber band around the center as tightly as you can. Toss them in a bucket of water and you’re ready to go!

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– Balloons
– Disposable Cups
– Duct Tape
– Scissors
– Marshmallows or Ping Pong Balls


Cut off bottom of the cups. Place duct tape over cut edges. Tie the end of the balloon. Cut about 1” off the other end. Stretch open end of balloon over the top of the cup and secure with a strip of duct tape if needed. Insert marshmallow(s) into open side of cup. Hold cup facing open end out, pull back on the balloon, let it go and marshmallows will fly! Works best with 1-2 marshmallows at a time.

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*As with any toy, please supervise children appropriately, especially when using balloons. Avoid faces when tossing sponge bombs or shooting marshmallows.

Do South Magazine

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