Zen and the Art of Planting Pine Trees

Zen and the Art of Planting Pine Trees

[title subtitle=”words: Michael Crowden”][/title] “Here’s your hard hat.” The way he said it seemed to imply that I was now bona fide, as though being issued this symbol of the working man conveyed a heightened status. This was a mighty fine hard hat. It...

The Lord Will Provide

[title subtitle=”words and images Myra Cardwell”][/title] It was a simple question. Just four small words. The film about foreign missions had ended, and, as I had done many times before, I asked the Lord, “What can I do?” I expected that still small voice...
All I Really Need to Know

All I Really Need to Know

[title subtitle=”words: Evelyn Brown”]{ Reader Story }[/title] All I really need to know I learned at Woolworth’s. At age seventeen, I applied for my first job at Woolworth’s, one of the two five-and-dimes in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. The other was TG&Y,...

A Most Unusual Journey

[title subtitle=”words: Bunnie Watts-Adams images: courtesy Roselle Scott”][/title] It began in February of 2012, on a Wednesday evening in the living room of friends. One of our newer members asked prayer for his dad, Barry Adams, who lived in New Zealand...

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